速報APP / 商業 / Project Management Prep with Scrum

Project Management Prep with Scrum



檔案大小:20 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Project Management Prep with Scrum(圖1)-速報App

Project Management Prep with Scrum™ provides exciting and challenging educational-entertainment activities for a wide range of audiences in the project management space, from business professionals to students. This is a unique audio-visual experience, which presents project management concepts of traditional Linear Waterfall and the Agile Scrum Framework. All discussions are in line with the PMBOK™ from PMI, and Scrum, as per the Agile Manifesto™. The player should activate the sound-volume feature of the iPad device in order to maximize an unparalleled, rich, interactive experience with the activities.

The objective of Project Management Prep with Scrum is to challenge and entertain the player with game sessions having randomly presented questions with 4 optional multiple-choice answers. Each session consists of 50 randomly selected questions. The questions are presented in a combination of Scrum and Waterfall concepts with their supporting definitions and terminologies.

This iPad learning game includes over 200 questions covering all ten (10) project management knowledge areas, each of which are randomly presented at the touch of a button. These challenging, intellectual activities cover Cost Management, Communication Management, HR Management, Integration Management, Quality Management, Risk Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Stakeholder Management, and Procurement Management.

The activities may also be beneficial in preparation for Scrum and Waterfall exams, while presenting a fun-filled, intellectual and challenging way to learn the most up to date concepts and artifacts defined in the project management broke of knowledge and Scrum.

There is also a Topic Discussion feature, which allows the player to gain additional understanding of the context of any given question, just before answering the question. This feature provides additional value to the student and professional player.

To obtain full benefit from each game session, the player must respond to all fifty (50) questions. The session ends after fifty questions are attempted. At the end of the session, the player is encouraged to continue playing by touching the [START GAME] button for another session of 50 questions. Besides receiving notice of the final score on-page at the end of the game, the player can also preview detailed scoring of the on-going progress of the activity by touching the [SCORE BOARD] button at any time, during the game.


Project Management Prep with Scrum(圖2)-速報App

- Questions generated randomly from all ten (10) project management knowledge areas.

- Player responds to a set of 50 questions with 4 multiple-choice answers for fun and learning.

- Intuitive and easy to understand, play and enjoy. Offers educational benefit to all players.

- On-page instructions guide the player through a rich, interactive experience during the game.

- Questions repeated randomly in each session to reinforce learning and retention.

- Topic Discussion feature provides for greater understanding of the project management concepts.

- A multitude of topics from Agile Scrum framework and traditional Linear Waterfall methodology.

Project Management Prep with Scrum(圖3)-速報App

Download this recent version of Project Management Prep with Scrum from the App Store today!

Visit our website www.biznizcamp.com for more educational-entertainment games.

Project Management Prep with Scrum(圖4)-速報App
